Papeete, June 29, 2022. Slovak NGO Servare et Manere is organizing its largest expedition in connection with its international Tree of Peace initiative to the Oceania region. The big journey to Oceania is connected with an important Slovak personality, General Milan Rastislav Štefánik, who, among other careers, was a scientist and an astronomer.
The 27th Tree of Peace, and the last Tree of the expedition was planted in Papeete by the President of French Polynesia and Marek Sobola, Secretary-General of Servare et Manere. Servare et Manere also received the great honour that on June 28 it was able to plant 3 pieces of roses in the very rare variety Rosa gallica var. ‘Generál Štefánik’ next to the Monument of Milan Rastislav Štefánik in Papeete. The roses were provided by the Milan Rastislav Štefánik Society (Slovak: Spoločnosť Milana Rastislava Štefánika) and were imported to Tahiti directly from Slovakia. The Tree of Peace in Papeete is Intsia bijuga, known also as “Kohu“.
Regarding the implementation of the international Tree of Peace in French Polynesia, Servare et Manere worked closely with Mr. Maurice Lau Poui Cheung of the Présidence de la Polynésie française, who provided invaluable organizational assistance. Ms. N’ga Tiaipoi from the Haut-commissariat de la République en Polynésie française and Ms. Laura Hartmann from the Biosécurité de la Polynésie française, also contributed to the implementation of this Slovak international initiative. Mr. Robert Stingray with wife Kristina Stingray and Ms. Mateata Ruta arranged a stay in French Polynesia for Servare et Manere. We also thank the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Canberra, Town of Žilina, Village of Divina and Slovak NGO Starý Klíž that our NGO was able to plant Trees of Peace in the Oceania region with pride and joy.