Ondrej Sobola_Tree of Peace_Marek Sobola

How is made a Commemorative Plaque

Nové Město nad Metují/Praha, February 18, 2019. The production of a memorial plaque is the work of a team of experts. The Memorial plaque dedicated to Ondrej Sobola was a rather complicated process. Only one family photograph with his portrait had survived (title image top). It was taken at the wedding of his brother Štefan […]

Marek Sobola_Tree of Peace

News report about the Project

Bratislava, December 26, 2018. News report of TV Markíza, TV News.


Tree of Peace in a significant place in Austria

Bad Ischl, November 15, 2018. The eighth “Tree of Peace” that was planted by Archduke Markus Emanuel Salvator of Austria, a member of the Tuscan line of the House of Habsburg, and Marek Sobola is growing in the Imperial Villa (German: Die Kaiservilla) in Bad Ischl in Upper Austria, which was the summer residence of […]

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Bratislava/Žilina, November 11, 2018. Slovak Post issued official postal product Nr. PPP 73/18 on the occasion of The centenary of the First World War: Postmark. The motif of the postmark is a reminder of the planting of commemorative trees in the international project “Tree of Peace”. This postmark is the only reminder of the 100th […]

Tree od Peace_Divinka-Lalinok_Marek Sobola

Tree of Peace and Memorial dedicated to WWI victims from Lalinok village

Lalinok, November 11, 2018. Precisely on the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, on this day in Lalinok a local part of the village of Divinka, the Memorial dedicated to the WWI victims from Lalinok village was unveiled. Such a memorial in the village had been lacking. The Memorial has several […]

Tree of Peace_Turzovka_Marek Sobola

Tree of Peace in Turzovka

Turzovka, November 11, 2018. Tree of Peace was planted in the area of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Turzovka as a part of our international Project commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. The Tree of Peace was planted personally by the mayor of Turzovka Ľubomír […]