Liechtenstein, Schaan, June 4, 2020. The fifteenth Tree of Peace was planted in Liechtenstein. This morning the State forest service of Liechtenstein came to the headquarters of International Commission for the Protection of the Alps called CIPRA International and brought the linden tree (Tilia platyphyllos). They also planted it into the soil. The tree grows in Schaan, the largest municipality of Liechtenstein by population. This tree was planted “at a distance” only with the participation of our Liechtenstein partner which is CIPRA International, and we hope that in the autumn of this year we will be able to unveil a memorial pillar next to the tree. The well-known complications caused by coronavirus COVID-19 disease caused a worldwide collapse and restrictions, which also affected the international project called Tree of Peace.

The Tree of Peace was planted in Liechtenstein
Author of text / messages: Marek Sobola, Kaspar Schuler
Source of the photo: Caroline Begle
Source of text: Servare et Manere, CIPRA International